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The Policy concept represents the set or sets of conditions, rules, terms and regulations governing every single aspect of the Digital Library service including acceptable user behaviour, digital rights management, privacy and confidentiality, charges to users, and collection formation.
I. Purpose, Mission, and Scope
The Digital Library (DL) is a unit within the Libraries that supports the development of digital collections through the conversion of materials into digital formats. The functions of the DL include the selection and preparation of materials for digitization, the development of comprehensive metadata, and the provision of online delivery of digital collections.
Libraries will consider materials for digitization and deposit into the repository when the content supports the curricular and programmatic needs of the institutions. The primary activity of the DL is to create and make accessible digital collections from a variety of sources in various formats.
The purpose of the DL collection development policy is to provide guidelines that the Digital Library Unit will follow in the selection of materials, and the creation, and development of digital objects and collections.
The scope of this collection development policy covers those materials and collections digitized by the DL but may extend to materials digitized by other departments, faculty, researchers, students, or other partners digital collection serves as a repository for contributed objects.
II. Collection Content and Selection Criteria
Collections and materials selected for digitization should meet the current academic and research needs of our institution. The value and interest of the materials to our institution and the wider community are the primary criteria for any items or collections being digitized. These items that are deemed rare, unique, or of institutional importance, enhance the institutions sense of community and history.
Selection of content to be digitized is contingent upon resources available to undertake projects. Other considerations for selection may include the physical condition of material, the need for digital reformatting to enable access, and whether a duplicate digital copy exists elsewhere. Materials to be digitized must either be in the public domain or have written approval from the copyright holder that permits digitization and open dissemination. The following considerations are made during the selection process:
A. Subject Area - The primary subject areas for digitization are those that support the curricular, instructional, research and programmatic needs of our institution, or which may be part of a special or rare collection, or are in need of digital surrogacy
B. Format - Physical material handled by the DL may be in the following formats, but are not limited to: monographs (books and pamphlets), journals, newspapers, audio/video materials, and maps
C. Language - The main language of the collection is English. However, foreign language materials may be digitized based on the relevance or rarity of the item
D. Locality - Items given a priority in digitization are those that reflect the unique .However, materials from other geographic regions may be considered based on their relevance to our institution academic programs and research areas
E. Chronology - Resources of historical significance, works in the public domain, as well as collections of currently created our institution works are given special consideration for digitization
F. Access - Materials may be limited to on-campus or off-campus use because of copyright restrictions
III. Technical and Collaborative Considerations
Digital Collections published online use technology compatible with various systems, platforms, and software. DL equipment is not made available for external use. Further, the unit does not conduct external digitization projects outside the scope of this policy or resource capability of the DL.
The DL collaborates with community organizations, state university libraries, and other library systems on a case-by-case basis to contribute, develop, or create digital collections that support the institutional and research needs of the university but may be limited based on staff and resources of the unit.
IV. Copyright Permissions and Policy Responsibility
Our institution Libraries provide access to digital materials for educational and research purposes. The DL does not authorize use or reproduction of these digital items for commercial purposes. The materials are provided on an "as is" basis and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including any warranties of title, non-infringement of copyright, or other rights. Our institution Libraries should be acknowledged as the source of the digital object or collection.
While much of the material may be in the public domain, it is the responsibility of the user to determine copyright permissions for specific items. Written permission of the rights holder is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of items in library Digital Collections beyond that which is allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. In all cases, responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary copyright permission ultimately rests with the user.