Digital Library
Computers in the Library are connected to the internet and have specific resources to aid your research. Black-and-white and colour printers are available. WiFi is free to anyone with a laptop or mobile device.
Our Dr. GRD Memorial Library has rich collection of books, journals and e-resources catering to students, research scholars and faculty members. Presently, over 2.60 Lakhs books, 13053 CDs/DVDs and 217 printed journals are possessed by the library access to more than 1078 online electronic journals. The library is automated having an online portal that can be easily accessed by the users. The library implemented PSG-ILMS which is an integrated Library Management System that supports all housekeeping operations of the library. There is a separate Digital Library having 60 computers running on high speed internet. The library system and staff is meticulously focused for providing comfortable, user friendly environment so as to enables learning and knowledge creation.
"Find out the facilities and services available for Library Users".
Discover a World of Knowledge: Dr. GRD Memorial Library's Annual Book Exhibition 2023 .....